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Q. What happens if I expose myself to too much radiation?

A. If you expose yourself to too much radiation you will become very sick. Every person receives radiation from sun and background. This background radiation is same as having 1 X-ray each year. these levels of radiation do not cause any short term damage, however they may be additive and eventually cause cancer. Radiation like hiroshima and chernobyl....cause acute radiation affects. where people get sick immediately

Q. Do you want to be a radiotherapist?

A. No. i want to carry out research on bones using x-ray imaging

Q. What did you think when you first saw me? Was I different than you had expected?

A. No. you were like i saw in photo, but you were a little more shy than i expected

Q. Which of your parents do you resemble?

A. My mum in mind, my dad sometimes in stubborness. i dont look particularly like any of my parents

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